2021 review ish
This might be cringe😂 but
Man. This year was very rough. It show me shege. Definitely the most challenging year I’ve had, was sad for most part of it.
Started the year in January very nice, spent a lot of time with Korty, taking random ass walks and photos. Took photos with a good number of people (somehow, those pictures never saw the light. I’m sorry guysðŸ˜).
Then, I resumed a new school. Changed schools to Babcock from OAU (cos strike want kill my papa) and that was a very rough transition. I felt like I wasn’t meant to be there and everything was just weird. The rules in the stupid school didn’t make it better. Kinda had an idea the year was going to be rough at that point.
Cos of the covid year, transfer students were to complete 3 semesters this year. So I basically spent January — November in School. It was HELL.
February, I made a video. This was something I really wanted to do and I really liked the video. Called two strangers impromptu to shoot and it was lovely. But seemed a lot of people didn’t like it so that made me sad.
From February to August was a breeze tbh, cos I wasn’t doing anything asides from school. I decided to just focus on school cos I really just want to leave.
I got appointed class rep for my fellow transfer students, and that was stressful as FUCK.. but it had its benefits.
I basically was living the same life everyday at a point. Just school.
Lost a good number of friends this year, I used school as an excuse for that. Wasn’t keeping in contact with anyone, wasn’t doing anything outside school. It was annoying but I felt helpless. Just couldn’t find the will to do anything.
Sometime in April I got rejected by someone I liked (and it pain die). Cos I’ve been getting rejected a lot kinda. That took its toll on me somehow. Kick started the sad moments. Also in April, I got dead broke. Like 0 Naira broke, ehh crazy time. But I survived.
May I had my birthday, didn’t do much cos it was a sabbath, but my friends made me feel good the day before. Also started crypto this month (got addicted to it till I stopped💀).
Also had my highest GPA ever this month. Was terribly close to a 5.0, was shocked cos I barely even smelt 4.0 in OAU😂.
Had a good number of (failed) talking stages between April and July😂 but finally met someone that had mutual feelings for me.
September came, and I made my first million. Happiest time of my life omo. wanted to cry. Then barely a week after that, I got scammed of 90% of all the money I had. That started my depression. Lost the will to do anything. It was an insane time. Didn’t leave my room for a week straight (save for food). And I had to write tests two weeks after this so it was just rough. (I’m over it now sha)
Then November, we vacated from school (to continue classes online) and then I started learning Cybersecurity. I’m putting most of my time into that now, and hoping for the best. Got an internship this month too.
Learnt a couple of things about myself; that I have the bad habit of stopping things I start, that I’m a nerd, that I can lead, that school is scam, among some other stuff.
I’m sad about the people I stopped talking to and hoping I can rekindle our friendships.
Things I’m happy for: my friends, my grades, my family and that I survived.
Uh yeah that’s it, if you read this far omo idk I love you😂
I’m hyped for the next year I think, we’d see how it turns out.
Also I didn’t proofread this cos I was just writing how I was feeling out, didn’t want to read it again. If I made an error, thanks for ignoring it🥴.